FRIM på Fylkingen #35
Matchess // Forkelid–Carlsson–Hielm
Dörrar 19.30
Första set 20.00Pris 80 (medlem) // 100 (ordinarie)
Kvällen till ära får FRIM & Fylkingen internationellt besök av Matchess – musiker, kompositör, improvisatör och forskare i ljudstudier. Matchess är rykande aktuell med det albumet ’Sonescent' (Drag City), och ikväll framträder hon live i soloformatet, med sinus-vågor, viola, stämgafflar, röst och kassettloopar.Det blir också minst lika rykande frijazznoiseimprofreepunk med sax/bas/trum-trion Elin Forkelid | Gustaf Hielm | Erik Carlsson, en fullständigt makalös konstellation som i december 2021 släppte FRIM Records första fonogram: 'Can’t Hide!’, vars release vi nu äntligen får fira på riktigt!!!

MatchessWhitney Johnson (b. 1981, Clearfield, Pennsylvania) is an artist who interprets the unknown with sound. She composes, improvises, and collaborates with the viola, as well as the organ, electronics, and vocalization. Her techniques reproduce meaning through a range of historical material processes, including reel-to-reel tape looping, cassette tape sampling, and field recording. Her latest release Sonescent (2022, Drag City) recreates the experience of 10 days of silent Vipassana meditation in Joshua Tree, CA where she heard “the last moments in the life of music.” She is currently an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Sound and Liberal Arts at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and a postdoctoral researcher on sound and technology in the Centre for Gender Research at Uppsala University in Sweden.
Elin Forkelid – Erik Carlsson – Gustaf Hielm
Finally we're celebrating the december 2021 release of the first FRIM Records record in history! Don’t miss this live concert with this amazing free-jazz-punk-noise-improv trio consisting of three brilliant, Stockholm-based musicians and improvisors: Elin Forkelid (saxophones), Gustaf Hielm (electric bass) and Erik Carlsson (drums). Music critic Peter Margasak wrote: "It’s a free-blowing session marked by visceral friction and tension, a la Mats Gustafsson working with Zu. Saxophonist Elin Forkelid has emerged as a genuine force in Swedish free music, especially through her work in Anna Högberg Attack!, and here she’s met head-on by electric bassist Gustaf Hielm, a veteran figure in prog-rock and metal (Mats/Morgan Band, Meshuggah) who toggles between guitar-like leads and detuned rumbles. The secret weapon ends up being drummer Erik Carlsson — known for his new music work with Magnus Granberg as well as post-bop playing in Festen — who deftly bridges those extremes, stoking fury here, cooling things down there”.
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If you want to be in the calendar, please write to:
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